The Cure of Souls: Spiritual Care and Coaching for Todays Workplace🍃
Are you or your team prone to burnout?
Do you ever feel your team is unhappy or unmotivated?
Do you feel lost or isolated in your job and its meaning?
Are your teams struggling to work together?
Is your schedule so packed that you're exhausted by the time you leave work? Do you leave work?!
Has your self-care suffered as a servant leader?
This is where the Cure of Souls comes in, also known world-wide as the art of Pastoral Care: The healing of the essence of human personality and all that it is susceptible to.
Because your spirit is the essence of you within your physical body, it requires specialized care much like your body does.
What does spiritual mean?
"...the dimension of life that reflects the need to find meaning in existence and in which we respond to the sacred."
Assessing Spiritual Needs, Fitchett Pg. 16
1) Action: Helps guide our efforts to help each other.
2) Communication: Helps direct our attention to the right matters needing attention.
3) Contracting: Allows space to come into an agreement upon a plan and expectations.
4) Evaluation: opens conversation to evaluate progress and/or revision of plan.
5) Personal Accountability: provides basis to uphold/create standards within relationship.
6)Quality Assurance: keeps the spiritual coach/pastoral caregiver accountable.
8) Research: records what does and doesn't work within the relationship to continuously improve processes.
9) Professional Identity: Normalizes the spiritual profession and thus conversation around meaning-making, spiritual needs, wholistic care, and individual/teams understanding of said topics.
Q: How does a spiritual assessment apply to the workplace?
A: It sets the foundation for life in community with others!
There are 9 foundations upon which spiritual assessments help heal.
WITH Spiritual Care. . .
With the Cure of Souls--leadership becomes sustainable and more effective in overcoming crisis, people genuinely find joy and meaning in their work, and teams work in harmony like a self-healing ecosystem. It's been proven by the World Health Organization that "spiritual care is vital to enhancing quality of life."
Without Spiritual Care. . .
Without the caring for others, there are severe breakdowns in communication, apathetic workplaces, resentful interactions, HR complaints, and sometimes even traumatic memories left behind from toxic environments.
Resentment of Leadership/Staff
Doubt of One's Calling in Life (Career Death)
Burnout (more sick/vacation days wasted on trying to recover instead of enjoying your life!)
Breakdowns in Communication
Burnt Bridges and Hurt Relationships
High Turnover Rates
Bad customer reviews
Negative to No Influence with Clients or Staff
Appreciation for Staff and Leaders
Encouragement and Growth In Calling (Succession Planning and Mentorship)
Sustainability and Resiliency Increases During Work Problems and Life Crisis
Teams Problem Solve Fluidly Together
Nurturing of Authentic Relationships and Individual Skillsets are made the Norm
More Positive Influence with Staff and Clients
Joy is Palpable in the Workplace!